Mini Ludum Dare 37, a not-game jam (part 3)

After part one and part two, here are the remaining games of the over 50 entries for the miniLD 37!

Musatic, by Spelchan: Be a (finger) dancer AND a composer!

Sociable, by Chaoseed: Just like in real life, there is no way to win this game.

Stargazing, by PaulSB: Drawing stick figures is an ancient art, first performed by those who invented the night sky.

Text-2-Music, by NeiloGD: Making a song with a message never was easier - just copy and paste your last parking ticket, and you have a winner.

Amazing Awesome Sonophone, by zakchaos: Things make noises, with this not-game you don't need the things anymore.

Fury (HD), by mutuware: This entry is not available in my blog entry.

Just Keep Spinning!, by LittleWoodGames: This made me really dizzy. Fortunately the camera doesn't move locally with the pegtop, I'd have to clean my monitor then.

My Miserable Life (INCOMPLETE), by MegaBrutal: How can your life be miserable if you can eat cheeseburgers and cakes every day? :-S

Nobody canna save me, by kulhajs: Be a hero and cheat at life!

OMGITSAMAZINGASHELLGAME, Raimonds: I like the "E" in that font.

Peon Simulation, by hazard1994: ... and when the dirt begins to fall I'll be the sunshine in your life ...

Caveman, by mattchu: Be a hunter and get hunted! Throw your spear! Walk around! Live in a cave! Life was pure awesome back then, even if it really was low res.

STEAM, by sorceress: Oh, so that's how it works!

The Secret Garden, by SamoojaMies: Catch a frog, decorate your garden, explore the wildlife and carry Buddha around. Relaxing!

tie break, by goerp: "Knot" sounds like "not". Just so you now.

Matar Ovejas, by Manoloide: Most bizarre entry - build sheep factories so you can click sheep to death so you can build more factories. Uhm.

XKCD homage: Press and Move, by kajakklubben: Fly around with your balloon in a black and white world; and read a web comic!

... phew.

That's it - at least for now. Thanks for watching, and enjoy the rest of your stay. I sincerely thank all the participants and as much as I'd like to do a similar Mini Ludum Dare in the future, the sign-up list is hopelessly overcrowded. Perhaps I start my own Nonludum Dare some day, haha!