Category «Game Development»

PITMAN released on the App Store!

The Rat King is pleased that his minions finally finished "Pitman", an RPG/Adventure with roguelike-elements. It can now be bought on the App Store, for your iPod, iPhone or iPad.


The game on iPod and iPhone:

The game on iPad:

The Rat King knows you will be satisfied with the Pitman, so get him now and let him slaughter those trolls, fleshworms and monstermoles!

If you want to try the game before buying, test the free version!

Ludum Dare #20: Tri

While we're waiting for the Pitman to get approved by Apple, I participated in the Ludum Dare #20 (Jam, not Compo), using Unity3D. Thus, I created Tri, an ego-perspective environment puzzle game in which you can shoot triangles to build platforms and mirrors!

PS: You can play it on Kongregate, where it got a bugfix (mouse sensitivity was too high on Macs)!