Friedrich here! This video shows the current state of the NPCs the player can talk to:
Looks pretty simple! But this actually shows several systems that were recently implemented or made more reusable:
- The “dialog” (in this case it’s just Kit talking) was created with our dialog editor connected
- The dialog file also calls a custom script (Small Basic!) at the end, so the ghost vanishes
- Camera positions during the dialog are created by hand with the editor camera and some script magic
- Camera transitions were removed, but they are optionally available, as defined for each camera position
- Usually you have to press E to interact with a ghost, but this one is automatically interacted with via a trigger
- It’s possible to have different motion states for the NPC depending on distance to the player (in this case they rotate towards Kit when she approaches or when the player talks to the NPC)
- Not visible in the video: a “PartChooser” script lets us define groups of game objects, so they get hidden/shown randomly or with a random seed; this way we will be able to have a variation of ghosts easily