Karoshi! on IndieDB

We recently uploaded an older project of ours, "Karoshi!", on IndieDB and also took the time to write a short Post Mortem. You know, just to share the unbelievable wisdom we gained while creating a multiplayer-only strategy game within one and a half months!

Developing the office-simulator "Karoshi!" was a great experience for us and one of the reasons why we founded Rat King Entertainment - we learned that we work productively as a team and even make something fun and complete within a short timespan.

You can learn more about the game and even download it on my portfolio - or just watch a video on YouTube.

Grumpy Jump and…

...well, her name is not clear yet. Maybe Cynthia, Cindy or Stella.

After researching around for princesses I really felt the need to draw something fat, nasty and unpleasant. Well, that's how my search for a character ended.

It is also funny that most google hits I got were around the Disney clone princesses or Princess Zelda and Peach. There really needs to be a new kind of role model.

Rat King Entertainment has a website!


Soon there will be content, at least some interesting insights in our development progress and brains.

See you in a few days!