Tag «Tri»

TRI – The AMAZE-ing update released

TRI 0.2.1 update

We are pleased to announce that the new update 0.2.1 for TRI is live and can be downloaded now. As already said before, this will be the last version with the low price of $4.99 only. We currently scheduled version 0.3 (the STORY update) for end of May, and that one will come with a price increase!


Now, for the AMAZE-ing update we have some new stuff, especially worth mentioning two new levels. The first one let's you walk on walls and ceilings a lot, and has windmills and a glimpse on the floating ghosts (the Kami). The second one re-introduces light rays and acid pits. If you already owned and played the TRI alpha, for your convience you can play the new levels directly - but don't miss the enhancements in the other levels! For example, we added the monk in the tutorial level, mainly for demonstration purposes (as he doesn't talk much right now).

The monk appears

And you can finally run now. This was the feature requested by most people so far. :-P Unfortunately, this changed the balance of the gameplay a bit where it wasn't wanted. On the bright side, if you have to walk up a long wall you will need far less triangles now, as you can run quite a while on the wall after leaving a triangle until you fall down again. (Just try it!)

The complete changelist for the AMAZE-ing update:

  • Fixed NullReference in output_log.txt regarding save files
  • Fixed the feedback functionality (via F11), should work always now
  • Added possibility to use/activate/pick stuff with Left Click
  • Fixed rotating box in level 7 ("Reluctance")
  • Changed savestate fileformat, saves from 0.2.0a and before not usable anymore
  • Removed GUI key statues in the top right corner for the first level
  • Added possibility to sprint via Left Shift key
  • Improved visuals/gameplay of some of the levels, changed tutorial a bit
  • Added option (in tab "Performance") to disable fullscreen antialiasing
  • Fixed a glitch with climbing on slopes
  • Fixed the minor issue of antiwalls playing sounds even when not activated
  • Added two levels, introducing (again) light rays, acid and autosave
  • Added an NPC with simple behaviour for demonstration purposes

You may wonder why we call this update the AMAZE-ing update. From April, 24th to 27th we will be in Berlin, visiting the AMAZE IndieConnect! We will meet other indie developers and give a talk about why and how to limit your game in a healthy way. So, if you want to talk to us in person, this might be your chance. :-)

And now for some more screenshots of the new TRI levels:

tri2_screen_20130420_132312 tri2_screen_20130420_132107 tri2_screen_20130420_135738 tri2_screen_20130420_141246

The AMAZE-ing update

Hey TRIanglers,

we are preparing for the next updates - a minor one in April, and a huge one with more features, characters and levels in May. So let us show you what we're working on for the next triangulations.


Running - Yes, we took your wish seriously to be able to run and implemented it into the game. But we also added dexterity, to prevent you from rushing through the game. I think otherwise most players would rush through the levels instead of taking the time to explore all the hidden places we prepared. What do you think?

TRI O.S.T. - Some of you were asking if we are going to have a soundtrack. Yes! Our composer Ludwig is going to create a whole soundtrack for our game and make complete songs from the little snippets you currently hear in TRI. The current trailer song will be included, too.

New Feature - Players that know TRI from its first version will know the upcoming feature - light rays. The April update will have new levels, at least one featuring light rays.

Pricing - This wil be the last update for the convenient price drop of 50% off. In May we definitely raise the price due to the new content.

Why AMAZE-ing? - We are going to participate in the first festival for us this year - the AMAZE INDIE CONNECT. If you are in Berlin, Germany from April the 24th-27th you can meet us there and other Indies like Nicklas Nygren (Knytt), Sos Sosowski (McPixel), Vlambeer (enough said), Jonas Kyratzes (The Sea Claims Everything), Michael Brough (Corrypt), Ed Key (Proteus), C418 (enough said, too), and many more :D

Last but not least - here is a peek on the next character - the mysterious fox.


TRI – scripter’s dev log #7

This is the seventh entry I wrote for the TRI dev log on TIGForums. You can find the previous parts there. From now on I will post the entries here, too.

Yes, we and our project TRI are still alive! After a pretty long break at the end of 2012 we decided to move the game into a different direction, especially regarding the style. The story changed, too, but this is not quite as relevant, as the story and plot we thought of were never an integral part of the alpha versions. In the current pre-release we even removed any hint of story, because we want to add NPCs later, and concentrated on other stuff this time.

2012 - 2013

The pause in the last quarter of 2012 was mainly for doing contract work, to get some money for food and shelter - but it also gave us time to rethink some design decisions we made regarding TRI. The main concern was to make everything easier for us to create content, which means:

  • simpler textures mostly just quadratic tiles
    • We combined this with a shader to look up the tiles – fed with the tile texture atlas and a noise texture, the walls, floors and ceilings don't look too much like repeating patterns.
    • Currently this shader works fully with Direct3D, but is a bit broken in OpenGL – because of a bug in Unity3D 4.x there are ugly artifacts visible for everyone on Mac or Linux. This will hopefully be fixed some day ...

random tiles on the walls

  • simpler mapping – standardized box mapping will do in most cases
    • This is done in the 3d modeling program (3dsMax). Additional customization of the mapping is done only when necessary.
    • Of course this means that for more sophisticated architecture the textures have to be carefully chosen, so for example it doesn't show too much seams on curved walls.

visible seams - will be fixed

  • simpler level creation– try to stay in a grid of 1x1x1 meters initially
    • I wrote a MaxScript tool for 3dsMax in order to have vertex snapping on a 3D grid. It's a pity this isn't built in, as my solution is quite prone to errors (often, undo doesn't work) and unintuitive to use. But it's better than nothing. I think in Lightwave this functionality is called Quantize.
    • The tool allows us "to go into detail": by clicking on a button you can half the unit, so it the unit 1m becomes 0.5m becomes 0.25m becomes 0.125m ... etc., thus everything really will be in a grid. Of course there are exceptions, like round shapes.

vertex snap
3D vertex snapping tool

  • simpler level export click a button in 3dsMax and the stuff is in the game
    • Another tool for 3dsMax is an exporter which automatically exports all the objects in the scene as a complete FBX which is used as the level geometry in Unity3D. Having a fast pipeline is awesome.
    • The exporter prepares certain objects specifically for the game. For example, there are surfaces in the game where the triangles don't stick, so we assign them a particular material. Every submesh with this material will be exported as its own gameobject, and therefore can be easily recognized in the code.
    • We can add some keywords to the name of a mesh so it gets treated differently when exported. For example, adding "$Export:Bridge" to the name will remove the object from the level and export it as a separate file named "Bridge.FBX", or adding "$NoExport" won't export this object at all.

export tool

  • simpler mission design – the main goal of every level now consists of collecting three keys in order to open a portal to the next level
    • With just three symbols in the top right corner of the ingame GUI, everyone knows what they have to do without much explanation (ideally).
    • Even though the premise of collecting three statues sounds kind of boring, it actually freed us from having to think of overly creative, but in the long run unnecessary mission goals. The goal is clear and creativity can be spent on the level design and puzzles.
    • The pacing is slower now and the learn curve for the player was decreased, because single levels are often dedicated to single gameplay elements. They are also less confusing as it is more clear what to do next; we reduced the elements that look interactive but really aren't.

collect statues = mission goal

All this simplification resulted in a better consistency of the looks and the gameplay. The new art style can be tweaked quite easily by changing a few colors, the ambient light and the global fog. Improving the gameplay and layout of a single level even after texturing and mapping it became easy. With the new limitations, we can predict the ideal size and content of a level much better and we're more confident now when creating the level design.

We also built a tutorial mission which will introduce the player to the world, so it contains a show-jumping course for learning the basic controls, but will also be the start of the story, as NPCs will give the player motivation to actually move through the levels.

tutorial parcours

Right now we get mostly positive feedback, especially regarding the level architecture. But not enough people are playing the game – let alone buying the alpha version. The trailers we do might be big turn-offs, as creating the triangles seems tedious. It's actually fun and feels natural, but how can we tell the hard to convince trailer-watchers? We probably need to make it more clear that TRI's focus is not only on puzzles but also on exploration.