Category «Podcast»

Spielgefährten, now live and in color!

The corona virus affects us all, in one way or another. Although the Rat King is a small team and there is no need for us to work at home now, we still feel the effects of the lock-down. In order to get rid of the uneasiness a bit we dusted off our Spielgefährten podcast, where we talk about games and game design.

This time we did a (German) live-stream on Twitch about Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Fallen, a third-person shooter from 2000. We did a poll on Twitter beforehand, asking which character we should play (you can choose between Sisko, Worf and Kira). It was more popular that I'd thought it would be.

For over 2.5 hours we played as Kira shooting a lot of cardassians and talked about The Fallen, it level design, a bit of background, and other things. You can (re)watch our Let's Play here.

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A week later now we want to do another live-stream; maybe even making it a habit and doing it every Wednesday. In any case, this time we will play some multiplayer games, local coop to be exact. You can choose between Overcooked, Out of Space and Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime - but I am sure we will play more than one game. A bit of Spheroneers will be there to, probably.

So if you speak German and want to talk about games, visit our Twitch channel on Wednesday, 7pm (Berlin time). We also have a Discord!

Greetings from Brazil!

The Rat King is currently not in Germany anymore, but resides at the Goethe Institut in Salvador de Bahia for two months. This was made possible by the Kunststiftung Sachsen-Anhalt! Our trip is an art stipend - they sent us to South America so we can work on a digital diary, which mostly means we will make small games that are inspired by Salvador (and other cities).

In Brazil we will try to get in touch with as many local people and also other artists as possible. And we will do short articles and a podcast on a dedicated blog: O rei dos ratos no Brasil. The content will be in German only though. Schaut vorbei!

Podcast – Bury Me My Love – Dein Sonntag

Aktuell sind gleich zwei Spiele erschienen, die sich mit der Fluchtgeschichte zweier Menschen aus Syrien auseinander setzen. Zum einen das Messenger-Spiel "Bury Me My Love" als auch "Path Out" im JRPG-Stil von Causa Creations. Was die Spiele so besonders macht, wie realistisch sie sind und ob die Abstraktion nicht vielleicht die realen Fluchterlebnisse verharmlosen, erzählt Jana im Podcast.

(Die Sendung lief ursprünglich auf Deutschlandfunk Nova als Teil von Dein Sonntag.)