1. TRI's final version is out about two weeks old now, and especially Friedrich is engaging with the community on Steam. People write really nice, uplifting reviews, ask for hints in more difficult parts or write walkthroughs for the hidden idols. With pleasure we receive mails from people who played the game through or simply tell us how much they enjoy the game, its graphics and music. You guys rock and made the release a real delight for us!
Meanwhile Friedrich also fixed some bugs and added hints to some level parts - release notes are here. The new version is already on Steam and currently uploading to all of the platforms where TRI is purchasable. Finally, I also created the Trading Cards, Backgrounds and Emoticons you will get while playing TRI on Steam. I have to admit that I should have created them earlier, right when we released TRI on Steam. I was never much into these cards and just archived those I got and sold doubles on the market. But while creating the images I engaged more with them and tried to craft badges and get backgrounds for my profile. It's a bit sad that I won't play most games that much to earn enough to create even more badges, but I guess they want you to use the market even more. The idea of getting rewards for playing to individualise your profile and receive coupons for a game you might not know yet is pretty intriguing. I think next time I take the cards more serious and create them earlier.

2. We are also very thankful and extremely happy about the nice reviews we received so far. All in all we currently earned a sweet Metacritic score of 83% so far. Have a look at current reviews:
"It's a moment I imagine everyone experiences early in Rat King Entertainment's first-person puzzler--when you shatter the laws of the universe and do the impossible, finally realizing the full extent of the TRI's creative power. (8/10)" by Brandin Tyrell of Gamespot
"Die Level in TRI sind Leinwände, auf denen Spieler völlig bizarre, wunderschöne Wege einzeichnen können. Über den Abgrund, die Wand hoch, runter in den Abgrund, im Kreis und zum Ausgang. Warum? Weil’s geht." by Dennis Kogel of Superlevel
"Tri is definitely one of the most memorable entries in its genre." by Robert Allen of Tech Gaming
"TRI is not typical by any measure and instead charts its own path to puzzle gaming greatness. (9/10)" by Marcus Estrada of HardcoreGamer
"Haunting music / Fiendishly clever, yet difficult, puzzles / Excellent mechanics. (8/10)" by Chris of Maroonersrock
"There is such a unique feel to it, and I got completely sucked into the gameplay" by Bonnie Burgette of Indie Game Mag
"I knew the game had taken hold of me when I was at work running through possible solutions in my head to try out when I got home that evening, and it has been a little while since a puzzle game has had that effect on me." by Chris Dahlberg of Cosmogaming
3. Aaaaand, last but not least: We are going to be in Poznan next week for the GameDev Convention and the Poznan Game Arena to showcase TRI and give a talk about puzzles. Like always I'm going to write afterwards about the event.
4. Oh, not to forget: we got featured in our friends weekly diary. Still Alive Studios included TRI in their Indie corner.
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