Tag «roguelike»

PITMAN for PC on 4 different platforms

While we're still working on TRI 2, we unexpectedly released PITMAN on Windows/Mac last week. Why? Because it was easy to do. ;-)

Of course, the original version of Pitman, as an entry for the 7 Day Roguelike Challenge and named "Pitman Krumb" back then, already was for PC only; but this didn't really matter, as the basis for the new Pitman was the iOS version. This brought some minor problems with the interface and the handling, but eventually we could port the game.

Now there are four platforms in the internet where Pitman for Windows can be bought: Desura, Indievania, IndieCity, LittleIndie. If you want to play the game on Mac, you will have to rely on Desura; although Mac support is promised by all the other platforms, too - sooner or later.



The game costs $2.99, or €2.49, or £1.99, but we might change that price later. If you are not sure if Pitman really is worth this huge amount of money, you can give it a testdrive via the demo version on Kongregate beforehand, or just sit back and watch the gameplay video Jana made,

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Pitman PC Gameplay Trailer

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PITMAN released on the App Store!

The Rat King is pleased that his minions finally finished "Pitman", an RPG/Adventure with roguelike-elements. It can now be bought on the App Store, for your iPod, iPhone or iPad.


The game on iPod and iPhone:

The game on iPad:

The Rat King knows you will be satisfied with the Pitman, so get him now and let him slaughter those trolls, fleshworms and monstermoles!

If you want to try the game before buying, test the free version!

Day 7 – 7DRLC

The game is finished and we are, too.
We are totally astonished how much we could do in one week. You can walk through 6 levels that are randomly generated from prefabs. It's in 3D, yeah! You can use closed combat and missile weapons. Listen to dwarfs and read books. We have 11 enemies to face. The main character can be equipped with armour, helmet, shoes and trousers. And the best thing - you build the dungeon while playing.

But it's also a bit frustrating to leave this game so uncomplete. You can really play it, but it's full of little bugs. If a missile is equipped you are killing a neutral dwarf while talking to him, for example. And sometimes starving is the top death cause which is also not funny.

But we are going to finish the game. After GRUMPY JUMP this little roguelike will be our next iPhone game. If you like: Play it and tell us what you enjoyed and what sucked.